Educating for a Just and Sustainable World 

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Poverty is a Political Choice: Another World is Possible

Stephen McCloskey

Five days before Christmas, members of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) were on strike for the first time in one hundred years.  They were forced into industrial action to secure a living wage commensurate with inflation and decent working conditions just two years after they were applauded by a grateful public from their doorsteps during the pandemic.  A highly trained and invaluable workforce, nurses were among the frontline public workers who put their lives on the line to protect the rest of us from COVID-19.  Now, they are among the in-work poor that include retail staff, classroom assistants and factory workers found by the Trussell Trust to make recourse to their foodbanks for emergency food parcels.  With one-in-five or 14.5 million people living in poverty in the UK and struggling to meet essential needs, particularly food and energy bills, inequality for many has become a permanent condition.

Why are INGOs Avoiding the Question of Neoliberalism?

This blog reflects on new research that investigated the extent to which development NGOs and development educators are engaging with the dominant economic paradigm, neoliberalism, as the 'root cause' of global poverty and inequality.

A Powerful Account of Racism and Poverty in America Exposes Stark Inequalities in the World’s Wealthiest Economy

This CGE blog reflects on a compelling new book about racism, homelessness and inequality in America based on eight years in the life of an African American child, Dasani, growing up in a gentrified New York, the US's most unequal city.  

15-years of Israeli Blockade of Gaza has created a Humanitarian Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic and a funding crisis in the UN agency for Palestinian refugees has exacerbated the humanitarian emergency in Gaza caused by Israel’s 15-year blockade.

The Inequality Variant: How the Pandemic has Accelerated Global Poverty

This blog reflects on the 2022 Oxfam report Inequality Kills which finds that global poverty has accelerated during the pandemic while the wealth of the ten richest men has doubled.  It calls for tax and redistributive measures that put an end to extreme wealth and ensure sustainable resourcing of the social economy (education, health, transport etc) and an ecological recovery.

The Foodbank is the Canary in the Coalmine of Neoliberalism

A callous welfare system, wage poverty, austerity and, now, the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in a 33 per cent increase in Trussell Trust foodbank use between 2019-20 and 2020-21.  The Trussell Trust’s network of 1,471 foodbanks in England, Scotland, Wales and the north of Ireland distributed 2.4 million emergency food parcels to ‘people in crisis’ from April 2020 to March 2021, 980,000 of whom were children.  The extraordinary scaling up of foodbank use has seen the number of emergency food parcels increase from 61,000 in 2010-11 to more than two million a decade later. 

Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review Celebrates its Fifteenth Anniversary with a Special Collection

The Centre for Global Education has released a special commemorative hard copy edition of its bi-annual journal, Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, to celebrate its fifteenth anniversary.  Policy and Practice was first funded by Irish Aid in 20025 to increase understanding of the underlying causes of poverty and inequality, and set out how these can be communicated in educational settings and institutions.  Policy and Practice has since become one of development education’s most articulate vehicles for debating inequalities both within and between the global North and South, encouraging active engagement on the part of learners to address these injustices. 

Open Veins of Latin America: A Re-appraisal 50 Years On

This blog celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the classic study of the European - and later United States' (US) - colonisation of Latin America titled Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent (1997). Published in 1971 by the Uruguayan journalist and author Eduardo Galeano, Open Veins gives an unsparing account of the five hundred years of 'pillage' that followed Columbus's first voyage to the Americas in 1492 which included indentured slavery, extractivism, colonialism and indigenous genocide. The article reflects on what Galeano's text tells us about the importance of history to the contemporary discourse on development.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed: A Re-Appraisal in the Age of Climate Change, Populism and Fake News

The fiftieth anniversary of the publication in English of Paulo Freire’s seminal text, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, offers the opportunity for a re-appraisal in the age of the climate emergency, populist nationalism and fake news. Born in 1921 in Recife, Brazil, Freire was a philosopher, educator and activist who worked with illiterate peasants using a revolutionary methodology that elevated education beyond the classroom to wider social and economic transformation. Forced to flee his native Brazil following a military coup in 1964, Freire wrote Pedagogy of the Oppressed in exile, and he remains a touchstone figure for social justice activists in the global North and South.

Five Ways in which Global Educators can respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Five months ago, 9,000 nurses from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) went on strike in the north of Ireland for the first time in the union’s 103-year history.   Seeking pay parity with their colleagues in England, Scotland and Wales, the RCN estimated that nurses’ pay in real terms had fallen by 15 per cent over eight years and they’d ‘had enough’.  Going on strike was a last resort, but staffing shortages and low pay had created ‘unsafe’ services for patients.  Fast forward to the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic, COVID-19, and we see nurses and other frontline health workers feted from their windows and doorsteps by a grateful public in lockdown  The nurses’ strike was one local example of how ‘development’ had moved too far in the direction of the market and away from the social needs of citizens.   
