ISSN: 2053-4272
Special Call for Contributors
My 500 on "The Future of Development Education"
- Deadline for article submissions is Friday, 14 February 2025
- Publication date is Spring 2025
Policy and Practice is a peer reviewed, bi-annual, open access journal published by the Centre for Global Education, a non-governmental development organisation based in Belfast. First published in 2005, Policy and Practice aims to provide a space for development education (DE) practitioners to critically reflect on their practice, discuss the main challenges faced by the sector and debate new policy developments. Development education uses an active learning, participative approach to education that addresses the root causes of poverty and injustice and seeks to enable learners to take action toward positive social change. It draws upon Paulo Freire's concept of praxis that combines reflection and action to support a meaningful intervention in reality. Policy and Practice aims to: share new research in development education; celebrate and promote good practice in DE; enhance collaboration between development education and related adjectival education sectors; further mainstream development education within the statutory education sector in Ireland; and provide opportunities for exchange and debate between educators from the global North and South.
Policy and Practice has a designated website ( which contains an archive of all previous 39 issues which are available for viewing online and for downloading. The journal is listed on Scopus (H-Index 2) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). In 2023, the Policy and Practice web site received 149,435 unique visits from countries in the global North and South. Policy and Practice articles have generated 5,275 citations that have appeared in 761 journals, 373 books and 452 dissertations.
The Centre for Global Education’s bi-annual, peer reviewed, open access journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review celebrates its twentieth anniversary in 2025. To mark this important milestone for the journal, the Centre for Global Education is extending a special Call for Contributors to invite 500-word articles on “The Future of Development Education”. All of the submissions deemed publishable by the editorial team will be collated into a single document that will be published in the Viewpoint section in Issue 40 of Policy and Practice. Issue 40 will be published in Spring 2025 and the deadline for this call is 5.00pm on Friday, 14 February 2025. Late submissions received after this date will not be published.
The articles submitted under this special call are limited to 500 words. Authors are invited to write in free form without references although text can be hyperlinked to reference specific sources or evidence points made in the articles. Authors are encouraged to submit punchy articles that make their points clearly and succinctly using plain language. Articles must address an aspect of development education policy and / or practice and to consider the sector’s future direction, which inevitably will require a level of reflection on the past. The most recent issue (39) of Policy and Practice, published on the theme “Development Education Silences”, produced an unprecedented number of published articles in one issue, many of which raised alarm at the sector’s non-response to critical issues converging on our world including: the climate emergency, the genocide in the Gaza Strip, neoliberalism, class and inequality, and corporatisation. The question raised by these articles is how does the sector move forward and reconnect with the radical impulse central to Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy, the dominant influence on our policy and practice? How can the sector work in partnership with progressive social movements that share our values and goals? How can the sector meet the challenges of rising levels of racism, poverty, dislocation from mainstream politics, and environmental sustainability? How can the sector position itself in the future to ensure that it fulfills its stated aim of addressing the root causes of poverty, inequality and injustice? If you would like to try to answer these questions, then please consider a submission under this special call.
Authors interested in submitting to this call should send a 500-word article on “The Future of Development Education” with a title and short bio note by Friday, 14 February 2025. Please email: Late articles will not be published.
Policy and Practice is on Facebook and X
Policy and Practice is funded by Irish Aid.
This document has been published as part of a development education project funded by Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs. Irish Aid is the Government’s overseas development programme which supports partners working in some of the world’s poorest countries. Irish Aid also supports global citizenship and development education in Ireland to encourage learning and public engagement with global issues. The ideas, opinions and comments herein are entirely the responsibility of the Centre for Global Education and do not necessarily represent or reflect DFA policy
For further information contact:
Stephen McCloskey
Centre for Global Education
9 University Street
Belfast BT7 1FY
Tel: (0044) 2890 241879
X: @GCEDevEdReview
December 2024